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ISO Rating Information

Bennett-Watkins Fire Rescue currently has the following ISO (Insurance Services Office, Inc) Ratings:

ISO 2 

Public protection classification for residences that are less than 5 miles from a responding fire station with a creditable water source within 1000 feet.

ISO 4 

Public protection classification for residences that are less than 5 miles from a responding fire station without a creditable water source within 1000 feet.

ISO 10W 

Public protection classification for residences that are more than 5 but less than 7 road miles from a responding fire station with a creditable water source within 1000 feet.

ISO 10 

Public protection classification for residences that are more than 5 miles from a responding fire station without a creditable water source within 1000 feet.

Helpful documents to provide more information on ISO ratings and how they are determined are attached below for reference. 

Bennett Fire ISO Rating District MapPublic Protection Classification 2015 (No Pictures)Fire Service Rating Schedule - 2012